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Products - Air quality & Environmental pollution monitoring


Wellabs aims to develop innovative products and services based on networked grids of state-of-the-art air quality monitors. Air quality information of specific geographic areas over continuous periods of time would provide traffic, industrial, urban and environmental planners and individuals first hand access to key information which will help in making informed choices that help us in building a sustainable future for the planet.

Air pollution and impact
One of the greatest threats caused by air pollution is global warming. Global warming is caused by a build-up of greenhouses gases, which leads to an increase in the Earth's temperature. Greenhouse gases are atmospheric gases that absorbs infrared light and hence trap heat within the troposphere leading to increased global temperatures. Key greenhouse gases include methane, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide etc. Carbon dioxide is considered the most significant greenhouse gas. This is because carbon dioxide can remain in the environment over a long time, from 50 to 200 years.

See how greenhouse gases affect global temperature.

Water pollution
Sewage, industrial waste, oil, pesticides and fertilizers all pollute water. Fertilizers and sewage can easily be washed into rivers, streams and lakes. The nutrients, phosphates and nitrates in these substances cause eutrophication. Eutrophication is the accumulation of nutrients in water, which causes excessive algal growth. This leads to a reduction in oxygen levels and the death of aquatic life.

Noise pollution
Noise pollution is caused by "unwanted sound" that exceeds prescribed levels which when experienced over periods of time has negative effects on people's health. The sources include noise from traffic, construction noise, noise from industrial establishments etc. Problems related to noise include stress related illnesses, hearing problems, sleep disorders, high blood pressure and reduced productivity.  Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) is a common effect of noise pollution.


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